WHAT I AM BACK? well is about who am i that i keep myself smile and don't care about the others too much as i still don't understand " i give a good care until it mean to me" and it's u and i said "Forgive you" HAHA confirm xfhm niiiiiiiiiiii
well im just trying to say that im happy but at the same time sad ( ada laa) but not about a LOVE
well im sad about why people treat me like a jerk............why? u don't see me? yes i know.........is true bro...haha but is okay cus i know we have different personality so my personality quite different i guess
im such a childish and will act like a fussy but not too fussy i guess haha! and im a type of a person would say hello to everyone either i know or i don't know that person but not everyone just which i guess if they look interesting i would say it hehe..........
Im just wanna say sorry for my mistake and it's okay for you to screw me but i just and always try muself to forgive people..is okay..we're humans so there's must be something bad happen as we need to know who can fight with this happening........... and is okay if people wanna keep away themself from me..im okay.but if u need me just come and i always ready to help hehe :P